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New York City, part 3

My recent trips to NYC have been more like a sequel of one another. The first was an overly busy visit, more about settling other people into their new life, as well some family drama that included a hospital stay. The second was a whirlwind few days where I tried to fit in as much as possible, (because I missed out!) and the third was a much more comfortable 5 days with little pressure. As always, traveling with a small group slows down the pace, teenagers even more so because getting up early and moving does not come natural.

My son has been living on his own in NYC now for one and a half years, AND much more willing to spend time with his family rather that his friends. Funny, that. This time around, we stayed at an airbnb on the edge of Williamsburg. I can see why people are changing the neighborhood and moving in. It's cute, lots of coffee shops and a bonus of an enormous bakery on Bedford Avenue that was a delight to have our pick of one dollar cupcakes.

Winter wasn't quite ready to give up yet, even though it was late April. We decided to visit the Botanical gardens, only to find that it essentially was the dormant botanical gardens. There was exactly ONE blooming cherry tree. I hear it was quite nice a week or so later....

We basically utilized a subway multi day pass to just organically pop up and sample the neighborhoods. We saw K-town, Greenwich Village through to the Arch, around NYC, Madison Square Park, Flat Iron district, the Public LIbrary, Time Square, Broadway, The Whitney museum, walked the High Line, Chelsea Market and enjoyed DUMBO at sunset. Amazing that I still not have seen every neighborhood associated with 'New York'. I still haven't walked through most parts of Central Park, either.

Our food conquests this time: Greenich Villiage was the BEST dinner (Rafele), Cookie Do, hot dog cart, beer at Chelsea market. (There's always gelato in there, I don't keep track anymore).

Pretty sure this wasn't my last visit....

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