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Brooklyn Bridge. One of the major iconic symbols of NYC, and for this trip, a symbol of determination of the ONE icon I was going to make time to see.

I have not been to NYC since my late teens visiting with my parents and sister. Clearly it was not a spectacular trip because NY was just not on my list of must returns. This current family trip happened because my oldest was being dropped off for college. (He's having a great time, by the way) I had BIG PLANS for this City!

Travel sometimes, as in life, might take a left turn when you are expecting a right. On the VERT FIRST NIGHT, my husband falls off a loft and fractures some pretty important weight bearing bones. (He's recovered just fine, this is not a terrible tragedy about to unfold). But, priorities shift, I'm now pulled three different ways and well, nobody got 100% of their expectations met on this trip.

What I did have time for was the most basic and touristy sites. 9-11 Memorial, Tenement Museum, Wall Street, Grand Central, Broadway, Times Square, and of course, the Brooklyn Bridge.

I had a list of recommendations from friends, lots of places to try and eat at. I went to exactly one, very much worth the trek across the Brooklyn bridge (on the Brooklyn side) is a pizza place called Grimaldi's. What I discovered early on, is that people from NY care about their food. and that It would be difficult to find a place that served bad food. Of course I did find such a place after selecting a particularly bad tasting slice of pizza sold near Time Square. Desperate times....I was starving and had to get to a show. And speaking of which, the Color Purple was amazing. I've been to musicals in San Francisco, but this was my first Broadway show. I'm now going to make it a point to see a show EVERY time I'm in NYC.

I'll be back for sure. I'd like to spend some time savoring a few more neighborhoods, visit a few museums, enjoy a sit down dinner and take more pictures. Even though I spent hours lugging around my camera which felt like it contained the force of gravity, there were many times I just plain didn't stop.

I became an expert at navigating the subway. Mostly. Well, minus the time I accidentally chose an express train that flew by my stop, and the next one, and the next one. What I learned that I did not see in the guidebook: there is a 2 metro card limit per credit card purchase. Totally worth getting a one week unlimited pass if you plan on staying 4 days or more! However, a complete unpleasant surprise with a family. Of course, I didn't have the extra cash on me at that moment Thankfully, the subway worker took pity on me and just let us through.

Impressions: there are a LOT of rats running around. New Yorkers cares about food with just as much attention to organic, GF as you might expect to see in California. There's so much to see and do, one trip cannot be enough. Seems like a fun City, so very much looking forward to another go-around.

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