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Back to the Future in Napa

A little over 20 years ago, we got married on the very steps you see in this picture. It seems amazing to me that we have not been back to Churchill Manor since then! Certainly, it was a bit surreal to realize that 20 years sped by in just a blink. The decor had changed a bit, but the same owners/wedding planners are STILL there. They've owned the place for about 30 years now and despite a few changes here and there, the lodging is in pristine condition. I've forgotten what a joy is is to spend in an historic building, we tend to choose much more practical lodging these days. Part of the fun is the afternoon social hour where there is an opportunity to meet some very interesting folks. We lucked out on the first night and met, well someone from our home town. But also a couple launching their own website/dream (Jennifer and Tim from case our paths cross again, I need a way to remember names!) which was good to speak to another couple successfully following their dreams.

I found it very interesting to look at the manor through a 20 year lens and see wisps of wedding memories float up like memory ghosts. We've done so much since then, and my world view has changed considerably. The type of traveler I am now is completely different. Technology alone has opened many more travel doors. 20 years ago I was just learning about email...I remember looking through guide books and catalogs for hotel information, then calling hotels for reservations. Travel required a travel agent in many cases. Now, I have the luxury of being to set my own itinerary in an infinite number of ways.

Napa has also changed and added so much since we've visited last. The city sure does have the trappings of all things a tourist coming in to visit likes to see: upscale dining, fine wines, craft beers. A few famous chefs here and there. (I did notice that many of the menus carried very similar food items.) I have to say, I'm not sure what kind of traveler I am these days. Meaning that the new buildings are nice, really, but it's just too 'formula' for me I guess. I much more enjoy the old buildings brought back to life. You pay to play at Napa, with a pretty healthy food price point. We entirely lucked out by finding a happy hour menu at Carpe Diem that seriously was the best for us. That meal followed immediately by the wine and cheese social at the Manor, turned out to be a very happy, and somewhat early evening.

I was surprised at the extent of the earthquake damage from the quake two years ago. There were several buildings condemned and still needing repairs as of August 2016. Rumor has it that the extent of damage was downplayed as to not scare the tourists away. They will get fixed eventually, and judging by the new construction of a few boutique hotels, Napa has plan to continually evolve.


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